My morning routine is my sanity. It involves coffee, quiet and reflection and some days exercise. Almost every successful business person I know has a stellar morning routine and even on vacation, they don’t change it up much.
You know in the movie Dogma when Bethany talks about religion?
“It’s not about who’s right or wrong. No denomination’s nailed it yet, because they’re all too self-righteous to realize that it doesn’t matter what you have faith in, just that you have faith. Your hearts are in the right place, but your brains gotta to wake up.”
That’s kind of how I feel about a morning routine. Everyone does something different with their day, but a routine in the morning is very powerful. You wake up, do a,b,c,x,y,z and then go about your day.
Anyone with kids knows that they thrive on a routine. Any little thing that deviates from that routine can throw them off for days. Adults are a little more flexible, but still thrive on routine. We’re very much creatures of habit. A morning routine increases your productivity by creating automatic things that you do that you don’t have to make decisions about. Then you have more brain power for making decisions and doing good work throughout the remainder of your day. So, you can control you day, not let your day control you.
The Benefits Of A Morning Routine
- Lower Stress
- Sharper Mind
- Increased Productivity
- Sharper Mind
- Control Of Your Day
- Gain Me Time
- Be Less Forgetful
- More Me Time
Things To Do During Your Morning Routine
- Exercise
- Eat Breakfast
- Read
- Meditate
- Gratitude
- Family Time
- To Do Lists
- Plan Your Day
- Shower/Grooming
- Journal